Pilot actions in Italy
The MaC Village world and its results are waiting for imitators. The following are products, services and regional development approaches that have emerged from MaC Village in Hungary.
Valley of the Dragon
The project leader is a team made up of participants from the workshops, joined by the involved municipalities, the local craft NGO, the regional tourist office, local hospitality contractors, local producers and a local museum.
The main resource is based on the natural values of the region, which is closely linked to the legends found in the area. In addition, local products and accommodation provide the basis for the project.
Bácska Buffalo – regional brand
The leader of the project is the BÁCSALMÁSÉRT Feldolgozó és Értékesítő Start Szociális Szövetkezet (FOR BÁCSALMÁS Start Social Cooperative for Processing and Selling), cooperating with the Municipality of Bácsalmás and the Bácsalmás Tourism Office.
They work together to develop a regional brand (Bácska Buffalo) to promote local products and producers, boost tourism and conncet local assets, tourism, gastronomy and products.
Via Maria Mecsetum
The project leader is a team made up of participants from the workshops, joined by the involved municipalities, local hospitality contractors, local producers.
The project is mainly based on the Maria Pilgrim Route passing through the involved villages. Landlords and local producers living in the regionare another great resource for the project. It is also important to mention that the built heritage in the area played a major role in the project moving in this direction.