digitalLIFE4CE partners join in Leipzig for knowledge transfer in smart sensors
Szombathely, 17. January 2019
Pannon Business Network Association, as a business development organisation visited Gesundheitsforen Leipzig in November 2018. The main reason for the mobility action was the joint approach and interest for sensor technology and how to manage the incoming data on a technical level.
After the personal introduction of the participating colleagues, PBN introduced the AMLab – the pilot site of DigitalLife4CE project in Hungary, an Advanced Manufacturing Lab – and its activities to the colleagues of GFL. The Leipzig Team then showed and detailed their local project Smart Sensor-based
Digital Ecosystem Services to present the practices, experience and processes of data usage and data handling. After the exchange of experience and knowledge, partners shared also the opinions on the relevant data usage of the sensors and also the possible usage of the gathered experiences in the field of digital healthcare: what methodologies, which technical equipment and solutions can be feasible to use in various applications in the health.
The successful mobility action was a good starting point for a joint cooperation. This will ensure the exchange of knowledge not only between the two partner sites but will also generate relevant inputs for the Working Group of “Big Data and Health Trends”. More importantly, all the regions participating in the project will benefit from the cooperation, which can also lead to a follow-up project generation.
On the next day of the start of a fruitful cooperation, both organisations had the opportunity to participate on a workshop organised by HEALTHY SAXONY -VfG e.V., where start-ups and new ideas have been presented to the participating partners. This also allowed the audience to have an insight on running product and idea development in the region of Saxony.

by Ákos Éder