Kinookus Association and City of Dubrovnik Development Agency (DURA), in cooperation with Dubrovnik Natural History Museum, organized the “City Breadwinners” multimedia exhibition (November 22 to January 15) to emphasize the central role of the people (producers, activists, sellers, experts, regular citizens, etc.) in the preservation and development of GCH, and the importance of recognizing their way of life, and the location where they live and earn a living.

In line with the Slow Food approach, the exhibition emphasized the territorial complexity of the former Republic of Dubrovnik, its particularities and common ground with other cultures, and special attention was paid to the language component, that is, to the local vernacular terminology relating to the production, tasting, farming and other food-related activities. From an anthropological perspective, the audience’s attention was directed to the faces of the interviewees, meant to encourage a direct relationship and acquaintance with the people who feed us, and to establish a long-term relationship of trust and mutual respect.

The opening of the exhibition featured the tasting of some of the products mentioned in the interviews, with a contemporary take on the traditional meals. The visitors had the opportunity to learn some interesting facts about the gastronomic history of the Dubrovnik region, with a special emphasis on the places where the food was served.

In the context of Dubrovnik, the pilot was pioneristic and innovative, since no such exhibition has ever been set before. It was tailored for the local community, since cultural life is very vivid and exhibitions are a very important part of it, and it suited for all types of the general public: children, students, adults, experts, tourists (all content 
was presented both in English and Croatian). Finally, it was visually effective and multidisciplinary, so it attracted a lot of people and the feedback was more than positive.