Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague, PP03

Martin Hanel
phone number: +420 224 382 959
Kamýcká 129, 165 21 Praha 6, Czech Republic
The Czech University of Life Sciences, with more than 100 years of history, belongs to the traditional of public universities in the Czech Republic. Currently the University has more than 18 000 students (10% are international students), 6 Faculties and 1 Institute. CULS offers over 170 accredited study programmes at BSc, MSc and PhD levels (in 9 BSc, 20 MSc and 18 PhD programmes the language of tuition is English). The university has 1 700 employees, of which more than 700 are Professors or Associate Professors. Since 2007, CULS has been a member of the Euroleague for Life Sciences.
High-quality research teams successfully participate in both national and international projects, and their research results are published in prestigious international journals and presented at international conferences and scientific symposia. Research teams reach beyond the borders of pure science engaging in applied research projects tailored to specific, state-, business-, and client-driven purposes, and offering ready-made products and services for commercial use. CULS focuses on technology transfer and helps researchers present their potential and enhance the social, cultural and economic value of their knowledge and skills.
CULS is the Leader of WP T2 Monitoring program. Within the framework of these activities CULS coordinates the sampling of all pilot actions, shipping the samples to one Czech laboratory, compiling the project database and the assessment of the achieved results. Moreover, CULS is responsible of the quantitative part of the monitoring program including the treatment of climatic and flow data.