University of Silesia, Katowice, PP05

Andrzej Witkowski
Będzińska, 60; 41-200 Sosnowiec, Poland
University of Silesia (US) in Katowice (founded in 1968) is one of the largest and most dynamically developing public university in Poland. Every academic year it offers over 70 programs and over 240 specializations. The University of Silesia serves almost 25,000 students and it already has 250,000 alumni, among which there are outstanding personalities in many fields. The University community consists of more than 2,000 teachers and researchers.
The University staff covers a palette of multidisciplinary aspects of environmental research as well as modelling natural phenomena, e.g. modelling the processes of environmental changes of biological processes and interactions in an aqueous environment. They can provide the innovative know-how as the tools for local industry and regional administration for supporting sustainability of the water and land use.
The University of Silesia participates in each WP and provides know-how during project realization. US supports GPW in realization of Pilot Action activities i.a. regarding modelling aspects and characteristics of Pilot action as well as monitoring PPCP in context of creating a decision support system.