Croatian Geological Survey, Zagreb, LP

Gabriele Chiogna
phone number: 0049 89 289 23225
Arcisstr. 2, 80333 München
The Chair of Hydrology and River Basin Management is embedded in the faculty of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering at the Technical University of Munich. The chair was established in 2013 under the leadership of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Disse and currently employs a staff of 29 (status 04/2019) which is working on various topics in different internally and externally-funded projects.
The main area of responsibilities of the chair is in the fields of integrated flood and water resources management. Within these fields the focus is on the investigation and development of decentralized non-structural flood protection measures (e.g. changes in land use, soil tillage etc.) as well as on the enhancement of sustainable water resources management strategies. For this purpose, the chair develops innovative planning concepts to implement catchment-specific integrated and multi-benefit water technologies with the requirement to fulfill the mostly divergent social, economic and ecological demands. In this context, hydrological models and statistical analysis methods represent central elements in the process of detecting adequate measures for action and risk assessment.
As a project partner in boDEREC-CE, the chair contributes its comprehensive experiences concerning the efficiency and targeted use of hydrologic models in selected pilot areas. In order to identify the decisive requirements for model applications, the chair actively promotes the participation of relevant stakeholders. Based on the recognized requirements and considering the unique nature of the different pilot areas, the chair develops applicable modeling approaches to assess the transport processes of emerging contaminants together with all project partners.