Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy in Emilia-Romagna, Parma, PP09

Contact: Elisa Comune
The Regional Agency for Prevention, Environment and Energy of Emilia-Romagna (ARPAE) carries out authorization, concession, environmental status monitoring, surveillance and control and analytical activities. The ARPAE commitment is also in the development of forecasting systems and models to improve the monitoring and knowledge of environmental systems and of the anthropogenic and natural factors that affect them, monitoring new forms of pollution and degradation of ecosystems.
In the boDEREC-CE project ARPAE supports the review of the existing state-of-the-art in relation to emerging contaminants in drinking water sources, considering legislation and scientific approaches. Particular attention will be paid to currently developing protection policies, strategies, measures and practices. ARPAE considers the results of the PPCP monitoring in the Po River Basin pilot action to improve hydrodynamic models, using the Po river basin operative water management modeling system, in order to build a common methodology and vision of water protection, integrating hydrological and ecological aspects all over CE Countries. One of the expected benefit coming from boDEREC-CE is to increase skills and expertise in integrated modeling of water systems, with focus on drinking water quality, even for particular high-risk waterworks using surface and groundwater near urban areas with PPCP emerging problems. The knowledge about the state-of-the-art in CE Countries will help to improve dialogue, planning and management in floods/droughts and water quality management in the Po river catchment.