District Basin authorities of Po river, Parma, PP10

Silvano Pecora
e-mail: silvano.pecora@adbpo.it
phone number: 0521 274378
Strada Garibaldi 75, 43121 Parma
The authority of the Po basin was created after law 183/1989, as a cooperation body between the national and regional levels. At the end of 2015, Law 221/2015 extended the boundaries of the districts and the structure and functions of the authorities of the river districts. The new district authorities came into force on June 14, 2018.
The main activities of the district authorities are:
1) Planning activities which consists in the drafting and implementation of the Basin Plans, strategically aimed at mitigating the risk of floods and landslides, reducing water pollution and managing water resources. The basin plans define the policies, objectives and scenarios for the basin as a whole, the responsibility for their implementation is assigned to the regional and local administrative bodies in accordance with their areas of competence.
2) Programming activities: the programs and actions must be identified every 3 years, to achieve the objectives and the scenario of the basin plans. Interventions must be identified, given a priority, a cost - in order to obtain financial coverage from the government - and the public body responsible for the intervention.
3) Coordinating activities: many actors are involved in land management: with different institutional goals and duties. They must be involved in the planning process and coordinated to achieve common goals. In addition to the Regions, there are several interested parties to coordinate: for example, trade associations (farmers, industrialists, etc.) and integrated water services managers.
4) Applied research activities: through the promotion of research activities and pilot projects, in particular in collaboration with universities and other public bodies.
As the lead partner, HGI-CGS manages, coordinates and guides partners as well as participates in all WPs. In the pilot action HGI-CGS is fully involved in the field investigations, as well as data analysis and modelling tasks.