Centre for Applied Research and Technology at Dresden University of Applied Sciences, Dresden, PP11

Thomas Grischek
e-mail: thomas.grischek@htw-dresden.de
phone number: 0049 351 4623350
Friedrich-List-Platz 1, 01069 Dresden
ZAFT as a non-profit organisation has been performing R&D projects in the fields of environmental protection, land use, geotechnics, material sciences, transportation, IT and communication, and organising conferences, workshops and training courses since 1998. ZAFT acts as a link between the Dresden University of Applied Sciences and regional industrial and governmental partners and is a channel for flexible and quick application of research results. ZAFT has been a partner for riverbank filtration and monitoring projects of water companies located along the Elbe river in Saxony for many years. In person of Prof. Grischek, ZAFT has a guest status in the Association of Water Companies in the Elbe River Catchment (AWE). ZAFT, together with HTWD, is a leading research and worldwide training institution for water supply based on riverbank filtration. Major competencies are in the design, operation and monitoring of bank filtration schemes along rivers and lakes in Germany and worldwide, running a Riverbank Filtration Network with partners in Europe, Asia and Africa. ZAFT is organising individual training and excursions for hydrogeologists and water supply staff from other countries interested in bank filtration. The organization is not performing economic activities on the market.