University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, PP12

Roza Allabashi
phone number: 004314765481140
Gregor Mendel Strasse 33, 1190 Vienna
The Institute of Sanitary Engineering (BOKU-SIG) is active in education, applied science and research for water quality management. The institute is emphasising an integrated approach, the topics include a wide range of disciplines (e.g. water treatment technologies, sustainable water management, measurement and control, aquatic chemistry/microbiology, modelling, strategic planning methods) contributing to the university's strategic goal "sustainable use and management of natural resources". Regarding drinking water management and treatment, the Institute has specific experience related to the following topics: - Optimisation and validation of innovative treatment technologies - Innovative methods for describing and assessment of water quality in natural and technical systems - Development and validation of innovative technologies for In-situ monitoring of water quality Infrastructure: - Technical lab hall with access to different water sources - Laboratory for analysing physical-chemical and microbiological parameters - Equipment for field measurements such as automatic samplers, flow measurement devices, data loggers, field instruments for different quality parameters.