4th Project meeting & Mid-term review, ITALY
Earlier last week, Tuesday 20/03/2018 - Wednesday 21/03/2018, PPI2Innovate partnership has been brought together in Torino, Italy with the objective to discuss actual status quo and progress of the project.
All 10 project partners, from 6 partnership countries, have been actively represented during 4th Project meeting & 5th Steering committee meeting & On-site visit. Project meeting, which took place in Torino, hosted by one of our partners - Regione Piemonte, was combined with Mid-term review evaluation with the presence of the Joint Secretariat representative.
During two-days intense, but successful meeting, PPI2Innovate partnership has reviewed not only work done (objectives, deliverables, outputs and activities fulfilled) in 1st mid-term of the project but additionally, current status quo and future plan of activities to be developed and implemented has been presented.
During the Wednesday afternoon on-site visit, project partners had a unique opportunity to visit REA Experimental Botanical garden, just a few kilometers from the city of Torino, in order to see the physical premises of the Regione Piemonte PPI2Innovate Pilot action on SMART ENERGY public service solution. The basic idea for the SMART ENERGY public service is to integrate different intelligent energy solutions for buildings and glasshouses with a sustainable co-generative installations.