Research & Innovation: New guidance by the European Commission

Recently (May 17th, 2018), as a result of the informal discussion of the Heads of the State and Government held in Sofia on May 16th 2018, the European Commission has presented a renewed agenda for Research and Innovation.

Commission Vice-President Jyrki Katainen, responsible for Jobs, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, said: "Europe has world-class research and a strong industrial base. But we must do better – much better – at turning that excellence into success. New megatrends, such as artificial intelligence and the circular economy, are going to bring profound changes to society and the economy. We need to act fast to be able to lead the new wave of innovation and set the standard for global competition."

Carlos Moedas, Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation, added: "With growing international competition, Europe needs to act urgently on research and innovation. The proposed €100 billion for the next EU research and innovation programme would be a huge boost. But Europe also needs to reform the support for breakthrough innovation through a new European Innovation Council, and reconnect with citizens through a mission driven approach to research and innovation. We need to future-proof regulations and attract more private investment, in particular in venture capital."

READ MORE: European Commission publishes innovation procurement guidance

READ MORE: A renewed agenda for Research and Innovation: Europe's chance to shape the future