PPI2Innovate events organized by HAMAG-BICRO in Croatia

HAMAG-BICRO organized PPI2Innovate CE659 events Info days and regional workshop and press conference with another two public procurers involved with PPI projects; Zagreb Holding with their PPI4WASTE project and REA North and City of Koprivnica with their PPI project Prominent MED. Below is description of both projects.


The PPI4Waste project explores mechanisms to overcome barriers to public procurement of innovation in the waste sector.
Effective waste management is heavily dependent on the development of innovative solutions for waste collection and treatment. This is where public procurement comes in: it can act as a key instrument to galvanise the market in order to preserve and recycle material resources. Public procurement of innovation (PPI), particularly, is a way to encourage the development of new, more efficient solutions.
The PPI4Waste Consortium comprises 8 partners: Instituto Andaluz de Tecnologia (IAT) – project coordinator, ICLEI, Zagreb Holding, University of Zaragoza, ACR+, City of Mancomunidad del Sur, SP Swedish Technical Research Institute, Dutch ministry for infrastructure and environment. Project duration is from 01.01.2015 to 30.06.2017.

A number of activities are taking place within the project lifetime to help increase uptake of innovative waste solutions. These include: creation of an interest group and purchasing community as well as of an Expert Group;capacity-building workshops to reinforce knowledge on PPI procedures; one procurement foresight and one transnational state-of-the-art workshop; international eventa and publication of different reports.

Project activities can be summarized by the following steps:
Step 1: Needs Assessment
Identification of common needs and involvement of key experts at the European level.

Step 2: Market Engagement
Market consultation and identification of state-of-the-art innovative solutions, bringing together both the demand and supply sides to gain a better understanding of ready-to-market solutions. These activities will result in the definition of a roadmap for improvement of performance specifications.

Step 3: Feasibility Assessment
Assessment of the feasibility of a joint or coordinated PPI process through a feasibility plan which will include key aspects such as financial modelling, legal framework, and risk reduction strategy. In order to ensure the right transfer to potential contracting authorities, training sessions will be organized.

Step 4: Lessons learned
Publication of a guide to share the main lessons learned during the project and help to set standards for PPI implementation in the waste sector.
The PPI4Waste project is funded by the H2020 funding programme of the European Commission under the grant agreement 642451
More information can be found HERE

Prominent MED
Prominet MED is Interreg Mediterranean project that promotes PPI boosting green growth in the Mediterranean area.
Project duration is from 01.11.2016 to 31.10.2019.

The Prominent MED Consortium comprises 9 partners: SVILUPPUMBRIA – Regional agency for the Economic Development of Umbria, Municipality of Narni, Ribera Consortium, Polytechnic University of Valencia, CIMBAL - Baixo Alentejo Intermunicipal Community, IrRADIARE Science for evolution, Lda, Regional Energy Agency North, City of Koprivnica and Centre Scientifique et Technique du Batiment.

The focus of the project is boosting the use of PPI procedures with the aim to commercialize innovative technological systems and solutions on the field of energy efficiency and with the emphasis on energy efficient materials.

Challenge of this project is to include units of local public government in testing and consequently implementing PPI procedure by preparing and implementing a specific investment to replicate in similar contexts in the Mediterranean, since those public units have so far not been included in specific R&D projects and were mostly seen as mere buyers and end users of products and services.

Foreseen investments in an individual amount of 200.000 € with 4 investments in total, project enables its partners to acquire and implement innovation and foster development of a wide range of innovative products and solutions in the field of energy efficient materials, developed and customized to specific needs.

The current phase of Prominent MED is learning by doing; workshops, thematic lectures and events, consultations of experts in implementation of PPI procedure, with examples of good practices from UK, Netherlands, Austria, Slovenia and others.
The PPI procedure in Koprivnica, Croatia, will be tested on energy efficiency of a building complex with consideration to the needs of the building itself. This PPI pilot project in Croatia aims to create a network of interested stakeholders, public procurers and others that can support its implementation.

More information can be found HERE