PPI2Innovate tools for SMART Health, SMART Energy and SMART ICT are nearly developed
During project meeting in Zagreb (16. – 17. 5. 2017), PPI2Innovate partners further discussed the development and latest progress of 3 Thematic PPI2Innovate tools that are customized to SMART Health, SMART Energy and SMART ICT themes. 3 thematic PPI2Innovate Tools will be finalized and become available in the upcoming 1 month.
During the upcoming months, partners will start working on the customization of these Tools into national institutional frameworks. The PPI2Innovate tools will be available in all 6 national languages and will provide guidance to public procurers through development of tender documentation, tender procedures, selection and contracting of the winner, considering national specifics.
Developed PPI2Innovate tools will be used by the city of Lublin (Poland), Somogy County (Hungary), Piedmont region (Italy) and Ministry of Public Administration (Slovenia) for the implementation of PPI2Innovate Pilots in order to test the developed concept. Partners, during the meeting discussed the ideas to be piloted in framework of PPI2Innovate project:
1) SMART Energy public service or solution at local level (Lublin)
2) SMART Health public service or solution at county level (Somogy)
3) SMART Energy public service or solution at regional level (Piemonte)
4) SMART ICT public service at national level (Ministry of Public Administration)
For more information about PPI2Innovate tool follow project website or contact Project communication manager, Petra Cisarova (petra.cisarova@dex-ic.com).