Procuring Innovation event, Czech Republic
We have connected startups with corporations and public procurers during the event "Procuring the Innovation".
On March 11th, we have organized the event "Procuring the Innovation" and hosted more than 40 participants including representatives of public procurers, corporations and startups as well. During the event, inspirational speakers from Ceska sporitelna, CzechInvest, EIT Health and DEX Innovation Centre. On the spot were also 5 promising startups who presented their innovative solutions.
After short welcome speech has Jan Kubalik (DEX Innovation Centre) introduced the PPI2Innovate, initiative Startup Europe Week and DEX Innovation Centre. Then, Marketa Havlova (CzechInvest) spoke about their project MyGateway and how CzechInvest helps to Czech startups.
Marketa Havlova, from CzechInvest introduced a newly created guideline on Procurement opportunities for startups and with the benefits that bring cooperation with public procurers. E.g. startups have assurance they will get paid or the possibility of long-term contracts.
The program has ended with panel discussion, during which Marketa Havlova, Tamás Békási, Jan Hauser (Ministry of Health) and Zbynek Karban (City of Liberec) talked about experience from buying from startups and SME's, or what should these companies do to be able to sell their solutions to public procurers or corporations.
During the networking after the event has got the participants familiar with the speakers and startups had a chance to personally talk with interested people.