Regional trainings 2018: Czech Republic
Regional training on PPI2Innovate SMART Tools – ICT, HEALTH, ENERGY has been held on May 22nd, 2018 in the premises of the Central Bohemian Innovation Centre in Prague - Dolní Břežany, Czech republic.
Training has been organized in order to introduce and present nationally customized SMART PPI tools to the local stakeholders.
Participants of the regional training took a valuable lesson not only on how to successfully elaborate on PPI, but moreover, they have been acknowledged with the Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) as well as Tax deduction in the field of Research & Development (R&D).
The event has been organized in collaboration with Central Bohemian Innovation Centre and the RI2Integrate project. PPI2Innovate project and RI2Integrate project have found common ground within the field of innovation, which enables them to create bridges and project synergies.