Regional trainings 2018: POLAND
The Regional Training on PPI2Innovate Tools has been held at Rzeszow Regional Development Agency on the
25th - 27th of April, 2018.

Public procurers, in total 45, from various sectors; hospitals, universities, municipalities, schools, regional agencies, city halls and associations attended and actively participated at the trainings designed to learn more about PPI and about developed SMART PPI tools.
Nationally fully customized PPI2Innovate SMART tools represent a far-reaching asset not only for Poland, but also for the whole
Central-European region and its public procurers for an active and strategically guided usage focused on development of innovation-friendly local and national ecosystems.
3 trainings separately for each SMART PPI tool were organized on:
- 25th of April – SMART ENERGY
- 26th of April – Smart ICT
- 27th of April – SMART HEALTH
Participants of the trainings have been overall satisfied with the event itself and its content and has provided mostly positive feedback.