World premiere: cirp to showcase the first 3D-printed robot DIMAP SCARA at formnext
Heimsheim. 3D-printing is everywhere. How far additive manufacturing can go this is shown in the project DIMAP. As outstanding outcome of the H2020 project DIMAP, cirp will showcase the first ever pneumatic robot in the world printed almost exclusively with PolyJetTM technology from Stratasys® at the exhibition formnext 2018.
DIMAP, standing for “Novel nanoparticle enhanced Digital Material for 3D Printing and their application shown for robotic and electronic industry”, is a multidisciplinary research project focusing on the development of novel 3D-printing materials for PolyJetTM technology.
A group of 12 partners from five different countries coordinated by PROFACTOR developed ink materials with special thermal and electrical conductive properties within the scope of the project.
Due to its qualities, these ink materials can be used for selected print heads as well as be tailored to suit future industrial applications in products.
The DIMAP SCARA robot displays impressively the potential of the PolyJetTM 3D-printing technology with new developed ink materials. The robot will be presented to the public for the first time this November at the formnext exhibition.