PROSPECT2030 joined forces with H2020 projects E-FIX and C-Track 50 to participate with a Q&A session at this year’s digital European Week of Regions and Cities. The event has been successfully attended by more than 50 partecipants, that could interact via live polls and chat.
With our guests Michele Sansoni (EASME - Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises), Przemyslaw Komarnicki (Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal) and our moderator Mélissa Miklos (FEDARENE - European Federation of Agencies and Regions for Energy and the Environment) we discussed what way forward for regions and cities in the energy transition towards a climate neutral Europe by 2050. We talked about commitment, guidance, technologies and financing: everyone has a role to play in carbon-neutrality!
Questions of the live polls:
What is your personal background?
What is your opinion on Carbon Neutrality Strategy to 2050?
What is the main priority according to you to educate cities and regions on the financing mechanisms available for sustainable energy and climate actions?
E-FIX project is committed to increasing access to new sources of finance for energy efficiency and renewable energy projects. In particular, it focuses on unleashing the potential of energy performance contracting, crowdfunding and leasing in the European Union (Austria, Czech, Croatia and Poland) and the Eastern Neighborhood (Armenia and Georgia). The project will contribute to boosting energy efficiency investments by building capacities among stakeholders, increasing relevant know-how, developing long-term strategies for energy financing and piloting model solutions in the partner countries. In that way, it will support the EU’s objective of becoming a low carbon economy and achieving climate neutrality.
C-Track 50 is an EU funded project under Horizon 2020 which aims to mobilize and guide public authorities and to support them in developing, financing and implementing ambitious integrated sustainable energy and climate policy action plans. More precisely, C-track 50 will support at least 116 sustainable energy and climate policy action plans and develop 105 funding proposals for implementing sustainable energy and climate actions/projects.
Michele Sansoni highlighted the tremendous commitment of regions and cities in the energy transition, but noticed that they still need guidance and support: in fact, they still struggle to make visions concrete. He also pointed out the need to fill the gap between financing strategy and projects.
Professor Przemyslaw Komarnicki when questioned on which will be the key technologies for the full decarbonization of the energy systems, answered: [in Europe] we have similar requirements on the quality of life and reliability of energy but infrastructure and situations are different. Speed and challenges will be different. Each country has to find their own optimal energy mix, from technical and social point of view.
Ready to accept the challenge? Thanks a lot to our guests and public!