How can my region look like in 2030? exactly what we're discussing at our stakeholders meetings!
The presentation of the regional Energy reports and the Explanatory project video are helping to start the discussion on how to improve the destination of public funds - priority: low carbon cities and regions - in view of the next EU programming period (2021-2027).
Meetings timeline:
- Germany (Saxony-Anhalt): 14 november, Magdeburg
- Croatia (Split and Dalmatia): 11 december, Split
- Poland (Mazovia): 19 december, Warsaw
- Italy (Friuli Venezia Giulia): 17 january, Udine
- Austria (Eco EnergyLand): 29 january, Sankt Michael im Burgenland
- Hungary (Southern Great Plain): 30 january, Szeged
- Italy (Piemonte): 13 february, Turin