Kick-off meeting in Zagreb
EIHP - Energy Institute Hrvoje Požar welcomed PROSPECT2030 team in Zagreb (Croatia) on May 15th and 16th 2019.
- The agenda of Day 1 included:
- Partners presentation
- Introduction to PROSPECT2030 by Silvio De Nigris of the lead partner Piemonte Region (Italy)
- Precious advice from PROSPECT2030 Project Officer Claudia Pamperl from the Joint Secretariat of Interreg CE Programme
- Presentation of Work Package 2, the second step of the project focused on Energy planning for low carbon economy transition, by EEE - European Center for Renewable Energy Güssing Ltd. (Austria)
- Presentation of Work Package 3, Mutual learning process and replication, by MAE - Mazovia Energy Agency (Poland)
- Day 2:
- Presentation of Work Package 1, Assessment of availability and use of public funds supporting climate change mitigation, by hungarian partner AACM Central Europe Llc
- Presentation of Work Package Communication by APE FVG - Energy Management Agency of Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy)
- Conclusion and discussion