Participation at EUSALP Action group 9

Piemonte Region and APE FVG will present the PROSPECT2030 project – Reflections on carbon-neutrality for regions and necessary actions at the EUSALP Action 9 meeting on March 11.

Action Group 9 focuses on the promotion of energy efficiency and the production and use of local renewable energy in the Alpine Region, especially in the public and private sectors. The action aims at supporting a significant reduction of energy consumption in the housing and mobility sector, as well as in small and medium enterprises. The action promotes energy management and monitoring systems at different levels.


1. News from EUSALP & Action Group 9 (Ulrich Santa, Energy Agency South Tyrol-CasaClima and Patrick Biard, AURA-EE)
2. Plenum Session: Work Plan 2019-2022: Ongoing and proposed activities
3. Interactive session: Work Plan 2019-2022
4. Activities 2021: Update on AG 9 activities 2021 under the French Presidency and meeting wrap-up

Download the full agenda here

eusalp march 21