Piemonte energy: 2030 vision
The Cornonavirus emergency does not stop the activities of PROSPECT2030 project!
Indeed, on 5 March 2020, Piemonte Region with the support of the Polytechnic of Turin, organized the webinar “Piemonte Energy: 2030 Vision”. The focus was on the challenges that the regional territory has to face in order to cope with the energy transition and the role that the PROSPECT2030 Project is being called upon to play in this context.
The audience success, more than 70 participants, shows how much this topic is nowadays relevant for regional stakeholders. Beside the presentation of PROSPECT2030 activities and goals, the presentation of Giulia Pizzini, from the European Commission's Executive Agency for Small and Medium Enterprises (EASME), has been a great opportunity for getting a useful insight about the European policy framework and the new initiatives for planning and financing the energy transition in the next years. In particular, the supporting role of EASME was highlighted.
Among others, the “EU City Facilities”, a new EU-funded financing tool which will provide financial support and services to cities and municipalities across the EU, was outlined. Moreover, the new Energy and Environmental Plan proposal of Piemonte Region was featured. The engagement of regional stakeholders is more and more proving its usefulness and, hopefully, it will continue with face-to-face initiatives very soon.
In the picture (from left to right): Silvia Riva, Silvio De Nigris, Filippo Baretti