#5 Renewable energy systems
- Welcome to PROSPECT2030 training package! The training material has been divided into 7 topics.
Each topic will bring you to a dedicated page listing all capacity building and mutual learning materials (presentations, videorecording) that fit into the relative category. You can download presentations and watch recorded sessions on the YouTube project channel. Feel free to explore!

- Videointroduction on the topic by Matteo Mazzolini
- Integrated energy systems and RES
- __ watch the workshop
- __ dowload the PDF presentations
- Session presented during "Energy policies and innovative projects in Piemonte" event by SHREC Interreg EU project
- Organic waste biogas to methane
The transition from the feed-in tariff system to the premium model
Energy community and social acceptance
Cyclical promotional and communication activities in municipalities
Video registration - Session presented during "Energy policies and innovative projects in Piemonte" event by SHREC Interreg EU project