Two case studies at 4th capacity building
...and a welcome speech from the Minister for Enviroment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt, Prof. Claudia Dalbert!
On December the 4th we organized PROSPECT2030's 4th Capacity-building workshop, centered on Energy scenario assessment.
- Prof. Dalbert reminded us that the Covid-19 crisis should not push back other crisis - first of all, the climate crisis.
- Martin Stötzer from the Ministry showed us the Hydrogen strategy conceived as an action to decarbonize the Land of Saxony-Anhalt.
- Two case studies were presented during the workshop: in the first one, Francesco Locatelli from the energy management agency APE FVG presented a best practice from an alpine cummunity in northern Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy), for which the modelling tool LEAP had been used for modelling regional energy systems.
- In the second one, M. Božićević Vrhovčak from EIHP institute talked about the scenario assessment in the national energy and climate plan for the republic of Croatia (2021-2030).
The workshop continued with a round table - on developing regional energy action plans - conducted by Manfred Hotwagner from the Austrian partner Eco-EnergyLand.
The recording will soon be available on our online training package!- Workshop agenda:
13:00 Welcome speech Prof. Dr. C. Dalbert (Minister for Enviroment, Agriculture and Energy of Saxony-Anhalt)
13:10 Multi criteria planning methodology to decarbonize energy systems Dr. P. Lombardi (HSMD)
13:50 Hydrogen strategy as action to decarbonize the land of Saxony-Anhalt Dr. M. Stötzer (MULE) 14:10 - Break 14:25 Scenario assessment: tools and best practice from an alpine community in Italy Mr. F. Locatelli (APE FVG) 14:40 Scenario Assessment: Croatian Integrated National Energy and Climate Plan Miss. M. Božićević Vrhovčak (EIHP) 14:55 - Break 15:10 Round Table: developing REAP Moderator: Mr. M. Hotwagner 16:30 - End of meeting

Picture from Saxony Anhalt's project video: