Participative approach is the key
Stakeholders of FUA Split are working on local strategy in a collaborative way
The third stakeholder meeting in FUA Split was held on November 26th via platform Zoom.

Topics tackled during the meeting were: CWC project updates, Continuation of the FUA level Strategy and Action Plan building process and Presentation of the FUA pilot concept. Furthermore the host organizations, RERA and VIK-SPLIT have presented to the stakeholders the planned work on identification of necessary changes.
Moreover, attendees were already asked for some inputs on the needed organizational, co-operational, financial, legislative or attitude changes and further contribution for the development of the local Circular Urban Water Management Strategy through regular e-mail consultations.
The participants were very satisfied with the presented materials and lectures and the goals of the meeting were met. The turnout was very good, including a total of 18 participants / stakeholders. The work will be continued at the next SGM.