New bike boxes and e-bikes for employees
Litomerice (Czech Republic), 13. December 2017 - presentation of pilot action. Pilot actions have significant soft components: they are integrally interrelated to the mobility planning process. The proposed solutions are compliant to other measures implemented to promote sustainable mobility, which include use of public transport, cycling and walking.
Litomerice city´s Strategic plan has 5 main topic and one of it deals with transport and related issues. Concretely strategic goal „B.II To better transport accessibility, city transport system and possibilities for ecological transport”. One of the main aims is to better cycling infrastructure for both tourists and local citizens travelling to work/schools etc. Municipality of Litomerice wants to promote cycling in many ways and the plan within the project is to distribute e-bikes among different city organisations such as city hall, city library, city hospital and schools etc. to allow them to test the bikes and travel more by bikes.
Pilot action in Litomerice will base on results of analyses; plan will specify most efficient strategy to decrease CO2 to support e-mobility: e.g. measures for pedestrians, cyclists (purchasing of 10 e-bikes and 4 recharging stations), innovative IT tools, automatic counter. The major outputs of the project are kind of soft measures and solution; however the project main outcome should be reduction of CO2 emissions. The estimation for Litomerice, as well as other cities involved, is based on the experience with use of such tools in different environments. The offer of the very concrete tool such as e-bike can very significantly contribute to the behavioural change if supported by a proper communication.
The behavioural changes, switching form car to e-bike, can positively influence the switch in others mobility modes into the more sustainable way. The example of Litomerice, by means of dissemination tools, sharing the data, tools and experiences, will influence other cities and towns in the country.

Image: Example of Bike boxes.