Place2Go - International Tourism Fair

From the 16th to 18th of March, representatives from Nature Park Medvednica presented CEETO project at the Place2Go International Tourism Fair in Zagreb, Croatia.

The International Tourism Fair Place2go is the biggest travel fair in Croatia that provides modern travelers with interesting and useful information on domestic and international destinations. This year, the seventh eidition of this fair took place at the Zagreb Arena from Firday 16th to Sunday 18th of March. Among 180 exibitors from 21 countries of the world, this year for the first time the Seychelles, Zanzibar and Ivory Coast were presented. Likewise, many interesting pannels were presented, like Smart cities and inovative techonologies in tourism, Back to school – The Importance of high education in tourism, and Greetings from Croatia – Cultural herritage as a tourist product

At the opening ceremony, the state secretary for tourism emphasised the importance that tourism has as an initiator of Croatian economy, with more than 20% BDP and over 150 thousand people employed in this sector. In the present year, indicators have shown a growth in tourism in Croatia too, although it is important to remind to take all actions necessary to keep tourism sustainable. Following, during Friday morning, an important part of the fair was held and oriented to B2B (business to business) activities. At this moment, the fair was closed to the public so exibitors could invite their bussiness partners and do bussiness.

CEETO presented at Place2Go

CEETO stand at Place2Go International Tourism Fair

Fair Place2Go was a great opportunity to present the parks of Croatia - 19 National and Nature Parks. Since Medvednica is a real natural treasure in Zagreb's vicinity, the Public Institution Nature Park Medvednica also presented its touristic offer and natural and cultural values to the numerous visitors that gathered in. Peace, greenery, and quiet oasis close to the city center is what make Medvednica so special. Among these values it is worth to highlight the hiking and educational trails, the Veternica cave, the medieval castle Medvedgrad and the medieval silver mine Zrinski, whichn is open for visitors. Furthermore, many interesting events are held in the park along the year, as well as e-bike tours. This fair was also a good opportunity  to present the CEETO Interreg Central Europe project and its implementation.