Preparation meeting for future follow-up project of DigitalLIFE4CE
Győr, 28. February 2019
Within the frames of the DigitalLIFE4CE project, a preparation meeting for the future pilot project „Care4.0” has been organised by FH-Burgenland and joined by Pannon Business Network Association in Pinkafeld on the 26th February 2019. With the participation of possible future project partners and with the support of the INTERREG AT-HU managing authority, the main goals and structure of the proposal have been discussed in detail. The Lead Partner, Alexandra Weghofer, has presented the basis for the Care4.0, the digitalLIFE4CE project and the AAL-Welten Model.

Within the priority: “Improving institutional cross-border cooperation in order to strengthen the integration” the following goals have been identified – based also on the learnings of the digitalLIFE4CE project:
- establish inter-institutional cooperation and networks between relevant actors in Austria and Hungary
- increase the digital innovation capacity of relevant actors in the health care chain
- analyse and improve the digital maturity of health and care institutions
- increase digital skills of health professionals and training of digital know-how
- sustainable anchoring of digital health and care solutions to increase integration in health- and care systems
by Ákos Eder