Green ways to airports - LAirA officially starts!
Budapest – 14 June 2017 – The Landside Airports Accessibility (LAirA) has officially commenced.This is an Interreg Central Europe funded project that aims to improve capacities for mobility planning in airport landside areas to lower CO2 emissions. All project partners gathered in Budapest, on 13-14 June, for the kick-off meeting of the project in order to proceed with the start-up activities.
LAirA addresses the specific and significant challenge of the multimodal, smart and low carbon mobility integration of airports and airport landside access in the mobility systems of Central Europe. The project’s objective is to reduce the energy use and the environmental impacts of transport activities in airports and hinterlands by changing mobility behaviours of airports passengers and employees and by building novel strategies of public entities in low carbon mobility planning. LAirA integrates seven key thematic areas: Electric mobility, Air-Rail links, Walking & cycling, Shared mobility, Intelligent Transport Systems, Wayfinding, Road Public Transport.
LAirA will be financially supported by the European Union’s Interreg Central Europe programme, which is an EU cohesion policy programme that encourages cooperation beyond borders. LAirA is a 30-months project with a total budget of over €2.3 million.
The project consortium is formed of 10 project partners and 5 associated partners. LAirA is led by Municipality of 18th District of Budapest with close cooperation from: Budapest Airport Ltd., Bologna Airport, Regional Government of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, Stuttgart Region Economic Development Corporation, Dubrovnik Airport Ltd., City of Dubrovnik Development Agency, Airport Regions Conference, AustriaTech Ltd. – Federal Agency for Technological Measures, City of Poznan, Stuttgart Region, SRM – Networks and Mobility (Public Transport Authority Bologna), Flughafen Wien AG, BKK Centre for Budapest Transport and Warsaw/Modlin Airport.