Working and Steering group meeting in Leipzig (Germany)
Leipzig, 5. november 2018
On 25th and 26th of October 2018 project partners gathered in Leipzig, Germany. Meeting agenda was drafted from study visit, mutual learning, working and steering group meeting.

1st day of the meeting started with the interesting study visit and then continue with the mutual learning session. Representatives of TeilAvto and Leipziger Verkehrsbetriebe show the attendees the car-sharing solutions in Leipzig and 1st fully integrated mobility platform in Germany – Leipzig mobil, in application is till now registered 1.000 users. After the presentation, a study visit followed. Participants saw how the Leipzig Mobile application works and walk around the city, and saw two S-Bahn stops.

After the inspiring study visit, project meeting continued with the mutual learning. Partners exchanged experiences between themselves and presented each other action plans from workplace mobility plans and how the Functional urban area is considered.
Part of the agenda was also the presentation of the LOW-CARB project. LOW-CARB project aims to enhance capacities for integrated low-carbon mobility planning for functional urban areas by tackling burning issues such as integrated coordination, institutional cooperation and action plan implementation including joint financing and public investments in low-carbon mobility systems in times of austerity.
2nd day continue with the communication and management activities and storytelling session. Very interesting stories about project will be published soon. Meeting ended with the presentation of the pilot actions.