Protective visors from the 3D printer at Chemnitz University of Technology
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology supports medical institutions in the region with the supply of special protective equipment - 3D printing aid campaign is to be expanded.

Nurse Petra Zill and Alexander Goy (Student Physician Assistant) work in the central emergency department of the Mittweida Clinic with the protective visors manufactured at the TU Chemnitz. Photo: Ines Schreiber, TU Chemnitz
The increasing number of Covid-19 infections in the region also demands an increased use of personnel to treat sick people. The protection of medical and nursing staff in hospitals and clinics is of particular importance. However, in the current situation of the corona pandemic, the supply of protective equipment is very tense, which inquiries to the Technical University of Chemnitz and related requests for support confirm.

Six visor holders can be produced in one step on the 3D printer. Photo: Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management, TU Chemnitz
That is why the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology made more than 100 protective visors out of plastic within a few days of successful prototype tests. Faculty employees, together with partners and private individuals from the region, succeeded in producing the head mounts in 3D printing, to which transparent laminating or overhead films are attached. The foils can easily be replaced after use. These face shields serve as an additional infection barrier and are worn over a conventional mouth and nose guard. They often protect more than conventional safety glasses.

Several protective visors made from the 3D printer with overhead film. Photo: Chair of Ergonomics and Innovation Management, TU Chemnitz
Find more information on the website of the TU Chemnitz