The first Steering committee and kick-off meeting is already behind us. What it was about?
With the beginning of Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE RESTAURA project, on October 18-19th in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki (Poland) took place the kick-off and Steering Committee meeting, where partners met for the first time to launch the initial activities. Nine project partners (including public administration, regional development agencies, NGOs, education and research institutions), from four different countries (Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Croatia) attended the event.

The first day
The meeting was opened by Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki Mayor, Mr Jacek Kowalski, followed by presentations of each project partner. After the opening activities, partners already started working on the project, with series of well organised presentations. The first day of the meeting was focused on overview of the project work packages and financial rules, implementation schedule, structure of the Steering Committee and communication strategy. The first day ended with a press conference and study visit to the site of the pilot action (Salt Square and waterfront in Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki).

The second day
The second day of the meeting was devoted to development of project main objectives and deliverables. Participants attended in workshops, presentations and internal training of project thematic work packages:
- building on available knowledge;
- creating Integrated Built Heritage Revitalisation Plans testing;
- evaluating and disseminating PPP approach;
- training and strenghtening the capacities of key stakeholders.
In addition to works regarding project implementation, the attendees enjoyed a guided study visit in Modlin Fortress.