Work Package 1: RI Tools and Capacity Building


WPT1 is the starting point of ROSIE’s work. This WP aims at building capacity of Innovation Actors in a set of innovative tools to support Responsible Innovation (RI) in SMEs, helping them to:

  1. understand RI elements and criteria;
  2. understand their RI needs and to define concrete strategies;
  3. work with all innovation chain players.

To this end, ROSIE uses 3 main tools (to be complemented by additional tools emerging from transnational exchange): the UNI/PdR 27:2017 Guidelines for Responsible Innovation Management and Process development, the STIR (Socio-Technical Integration Research) methodology and the Living Labs approach.

In this WP partners work on common RI tools and capacity building for innovation actors and the activities are structured as follows:

  • Exchange on RI Tools:  partners exchange existing knowledge on tools and then discuss how to adapt and apply them within ROSIE and to SMEs;
  • RI Capacity Building for innovation actors: ROSIE develops and applies a “training the trainer” capacity building programme, to build skills among innovation actors who will become "RI Consultants". The practical course is based on existing RI courses, adapted to specific needs and to tools. 2 Capacity Building sessions were held in Prague (CZ) in November 2017 and in Zadar (HR) in March 2018.
  • SME engagement: partners develop contents and criteria for an Open Call to engage SMEs in the pilot actions (WPT3). 

Outputs & Deliverables

Capacity building


Training STIR

Design thinking