„Our service Prontobus”- aMo pilot story started!
What started as a call center with purpose of collecting reservations for on-demand services now has software developed within the project RUMOBIL. The official start of the pilot activity will be on September 19th in Castelfranco Emilia, where the pilot will take place, with press conference. During the press conference the RUMOBIL project will be illustrated and the pilot based in the area of Castelfranco Emilia for which a new software - web and mobile - will be delivered to better direct the on-demand bus services called Prontobus to customer needs.

Also during the press conference, five people that are customers of the on-demand service will be rewarded for participating to the telephone survey within the transnational campaign. The prize will consist of about 50 single-trip tickets for a free travel on the Prontobus service. The winners will be accompanied to the press conference and accompanied back home with the Prontobus service through reservations specially made for them. Next day customers will be able to access the web site specially implemented for RUMOBIL and install the app (Android and iOs) on their smartphones.

You will be able to see more info and follow their success next after when Facebook page will be opened, Twitter account prepared and video projected.
Follow us at https://www.facebook.com/Rumobil/?fref=ts