Citizen Bus starts in Osterburg
Saxony-Anhalt’s first Citizen Bus has started in Osterburg. “This new bus service is pioneering” said Thomas Webel, Minister for Regional Development and Transport of Saxony-Anhalt, in Walsleben, when he officially handed over the new bus to the municipality of Osterburg. “This project will contribute to the attractiveness of rural areas affected by demographic change.” Especially in rural regions not adequately connected to the public transport network, new approaches have to be tested so that people without own cars can reach bigger settlements and services of public interest.

The Citizen Bus in Osterburg is realized by the local community and its residents. A mini bus with 8 passenger seats is driven by volunteers. The administration of Osterburg organizes the operation of the bus. The bus with fixed routes and running times connects smaller settlements to both the city center of Osterburg and its train station.
The Citizen Bus project is supported by the Ministry of Regional Development and Transport Saxony-Anhalt and the Nahverkehrsservice Sachsen-Anhalt (NASA) GmbH. Besides the Citizen Bus in Osterburg a second Citizen Bus is implemented in Möser.