Railway station Žilina-Záriečie – cultural node
Most of the railway stations are just places where people are waiting for the trains or where they can buy traveling tickets or get travel information. But this railway station is not like that. Cultural Centre Stanica occupied the old station building in 2003, when building was reconstructed and later developed and operated by NGO Truc sphérique (non-governmental organization). This place have two purposes for more than 14 years - It is both a railway station and a cultural node. It has the gallery, a workshop space, an internet café, a waiting-room, and a multifunctional presentation venue for theatre, dance, concerts, discussions and projections. Besides that there is also huge outer space open to the public with a garden, park, summer stage, and a children’s playground. Each week there are several different children workshops, taking place almost daily and, on average, two or three artistic events. In 2009 they launched the venue S2, an alternative construction of beer crates and straw bales.

Stanica is not just the next cultural center in the town or region, but a platform for information, research, and realization of experimental art, cultural and community projects and international and inter-sector communication that lead activities to other institutions and across our European networks, including Trans Europe Halles.