The 3rd Civinet Forum
The 3rd Civinet Forum has been held on 15th June 2018 in the city of Varazdin with the main focus of sustainable mobility and integrated passenger transport in the function of positive demographic trends.
As for Interreg Central Europe’s project RUMOBIL the previously mentioned forum was important because two project partners from Hungary – the Self Government of Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg County (SZSZBMO) and the Municipality of Nagykálló have represented the project in front of the wide audience of officials, coordinators and experts.
Project partners have highlighted what RUMOBIL is about in general, what are the objectives, main outputs and expected wider outcomes of the project generally and then talked about their ongoing pilot project in more detail which aims to improve public transport facilities along the main bus line of their region by providing up-to-date opportunities.
Later, in the framework of Civinet Forum participants had the chance to learn a lot about Croatian public transport improvement plans and strategies. Finally, a so-called panel discussion has been organized with the participation of deputies, heads of departments and representatives of universities regarding tools and experiences for the development of sustainable mobility for positive demographic trends.