The fourth B&H CONGRESS ON RAILWAYS - Sarajevo, BiH
At the congress held in Sarajevo on 26th and 27th October, 2017, Association of consulting engineers Bosnia and Herzegovina organized round table on the topic of “Railways restructuring” as well as thematic sessions about improvement of railway transport.

This has implied a discussion and need for modernization of railway system as viable transport system. Within this two-day event, there was a lot of practical presentations from different railway operators as well as professors from different institutions as well as universities, who gave their opinion and practical advices and analysis how to improve and reorganize railway transport.
HŽ PP as a WP leader for communication within RUMOBIL project also presented project RUMOBIL in general. Introduced tasks and activities of all project partners and concluded how rural mobility also influence on development of transport corridors and how without rural mobility need for transportation does not follow infrastructure development. HŽ PP gave with this presentation first project progress regarding deliverable D.C. 4.1. European event documentation.