Regione Piemonte
Located in the North West of Italy, Piemonte has always been a gateway between Europe and the Mediterranean area. Its rich legacy of history and tradition is strongly related to this strategic position that made the region a thoroughfare for trade, people and knowledge from all over Europe and – and the same time – oriented it to the future, seeking out innovation and challenges.
Regione Piemonte represents the first-level administrative division of the Italian Government on the territory and has legislative autonomy, programming tasks, executive powers and functions, in accordance with the Constitution of the Italian Republic. Its participation to PPI2Innovation is with the Financial Resources Directorate charged with, among other things, economic planning and allocation of regional resources as well as purchase, management and maintenance of regional assets (personal and real estate properties, services)
Experiences in PPI / PcP
In 2014 Regione Piemonte approved testing of pre-commercial procurement in a wide range of domains in accordance with the development of vocational productivity of its territories and the thematic priorities of Horizon 2020, the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. Since then Regione Piemonte experienced PCP in different fields such as:
- Research & Development, Sustainable Energy and Mobility with a PCP tender to achieve innovative activities and prototype to demonstrate how smart grids can enable electric mobility transportation;
- Sustainable Housing with the participation to “CABEE” a EU Project to create and implement an Alpine-wide guideline for definition, procurement, production, assessment and promotion about Nearly-Zero-Emission-Buildings;
- Health with the formal endorsement and support to the H2020 Project “ Magic” in which PCP challenges innovative players on the market to develop new solutions addressed to post-stroke care rehabilitation
Partner role in project
The introduction of PPI - as an instrument of economic policy - will raise the quality and the degree of innovation of the private towards public orders for the supply of products and services and stimulate the innovation capacity and competitiveness of the business system. As pilot partner Regione Piemonte will primarily work with its dual project partner, University of Torino, at creating linkages and rising awareness about PPI. Regione Piemonte will:
- collaborate with established Competence center for the identification of improvable PPI projects and creation of PPI2Innovate Map;
- realize the pilot on regional government level in two main areas: the Green Public Procurement and the Pre-commercial Public Procurement of Innovation;
- share all progress and experiences with other partners who are going to do a transnational monitoring and evaluation of PPI2Innovate
- organize the study visit, which will provide to the evaluators a clear picture of the pilot project’s state of art.