22.03.2021 | 04.05.2021 | 25.05.2021

The training was successfully conducted and it was considered deeply interesting by all participants. The pre-training took place March 22nd from 9.30 to 11.30, via zoom, involving the professionals from LAMORO and Municipality of Alessandria, and Prof. Marco Devecchi.
It constituted a preliminary and preparatory meeting for the next training course, in which all the participants took the opportunity to exchange experiences and competences on Urban Environmental Acupuncture. 
After this preliminary consultation, the first training event took place at May 4th, via Zoom, from 9.00 to 13.00. LAMORO was in charge for the whole organization of the training as well as for the definition of the contents in coordination with Municipality of Alessandria. It was attended by 54 professionals from Alessandria territory among these architects, agronomists and foresters and employees of local public administration.
Training activities were tailored for this target groups by using and adapting the training materials elaborated by the Silesian Botanical Garden (D.T.1.3.2 Training Materials).
In particular, after a presentation of SALUTE4CE carried on by LAMORO, the keynotes addressed by Prof. Marco Devecchi regarded:

  1. the role and imortance of public greens and ecosystem services;
  2. the examination of the general criteria for choosing the green spots to apply Urban Environmental

Acupuncture practices developed within the SALUTE4CE Project;
- evaluation of the methods for the selection of Natural Based Solutions and plant species based on the general criteria of SALUTE4CE Project and the implementation referred to Alessandria’s reality.
Meanwhile the professionals from Municipality of Alessandria illustrated:

  1. the state of the art of environmental issues with a focus on the Alexandrian reality
  2. the application of criteria site selection applied within Alessandria case study.

and LINKs Foundation presented the operative tool of InViTo.
In addition to the interventions of the project partners, a landscape architect was also invited to discuss a case study concerning urban green planning and urban environmental acupuncture method.
A final session of the meeting was also dedicated to stimulate the debate among the participants. 
Since the improvement of pandemic heath situation and the consequential easing of the COVID 19 restrictions in Italy, the second, and the final, local training event took place in presence and it was host by Alessandria Botanical Garden. 46 participants have attended the second part of the training.
This part of the training was designed as divided in two parts. 
The first one, the commented walks to allow the participants to see a concrete application of UEA by visiting 2 of the 4 areas included in the Action Plan and selected as investment areas. To comply with the anti-COVID rules still in force today and in order to avoid the gathering of people and stimulate exchange of experiences and competences among the professionals, the participants were divided into two groups, each of which guided by a trainer and an adjuvant trainer.
Once the commented walks ended the second part of the meetings was dedicated to sum up the main evidences emerged from the commented walks and started a debate among the participants, the trainers, the representees of LAMORO and Municipality of Alessandria and Prof. Marco Devecchi.