Interreg SIV webinars summary

From using innovative tools at labour market to creating a new format of privately as well as publicly financed incentives, SIV project activities are building a better future for everyone. 

In May 2022 four webinars were organised within the framework of the Interreg SIV project. Through our webinars more about our experiences gathered during the SIV project and on how to apply this for your own work was introduced.

The two webinars on the topics of social impact funds and voucher programmes focused on our experiences with implementing new instruments on the labour market. Specifically, we referred to the social impact funds as our preferred financial instruments and to the voucher models as our novel approach for fostering inclusion on the labour market. Furthermore, it was also presented more about the basics of impact measurement and about how to conduct your own assessments. Finally, we shared our learnings on these topics, from which we derived policy recommendations for further improving the policy framework in the field of labour market inclusion. 

A more detailed description of the four webinars within the framework of our SIV webinar series you can find in following videos:

1. Impact Measurement and Assessment
2. Social Impact Funds
3. Employment Voucher Programmes
4. Innovative Employment Policies

We all hope that we can build further cooperation and spread the main ideas of SIV project through our future activities.

Our introductory video which was implemented in all 4 webinars you can see also on

All videos about the SIV project can be found under the following link in one playlist: