Regionsmanagement Osttirol
Osttirol, AUSTRIA
Organisation profile:
Regionsmanagement Osttirol (RMO) is a local action group. Performs the activities of:
- administration of Leader and Interreg programs in the district of East Tyrol
- development of leading projects in mobility and energy issues and cooperation in transnational projects
- developing transborder projects with Italian partners based on the CLLD Dolomiti Live strategy approved in Interreg V-A Italia-Austria 2014-2020
Region profile:
- Urban agglomeration: Region of East Tyrol (Austria)
- Area: 2.020 km2
- Inhabitants: 48.879
- Population density: 24 inhabitants per km2
Role in the project:
RMO acts as incentive and initiator for developments towards fixed and DRT systems and connects municipalities and several institutions in the region.
RMO will set up the WPT2 "Participation and actions" through awareness raising activities and training and is properly assigned to transfer experience to all interested partners and territories.
Activities in the project:
Implement a pilot in the mountain and rural area of East Tyrol, made of 33 municipalities:
- social scientific research for sustainable mobility offers with a focus on e-carsharing and DRT services
- implementation of “greenhouse friendly tourism offers” in the region: making existing (fixed and flexible) services visible, understandable and integrated into tourism; training to contact persons in municipalities and local hotel staff to give information about regional mobility offers to residents and guests
- strengthening e-mobility in the region: implementation of new e-carsharing locations in municipalities + marketing strategy to promote e-carsharing.