A.T2.1 Pilot action – groups meeting and competences map testing
The main objective of the project is to increase the efficiency of regional innovation strategy observatories to equip them with tools needed to generate products corresponding to the real needs of end-users. To make this work, project partners will analyse business models of existing observatories, institutions that monitor technology trends and market developments in the are of smart specializations.
The workshop objectives are to:
- Discuss the issue innovation and how business deals with them - it will allow to understand the needs of Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Evaluate what are the needs of the business to raise the awareness for the demand side
- Evaluate existing services, provided by Business Support Organisations in their business ecosystem (BSOs) - with the use of competences map
- Point out the lack of different missing services and to analyse the areas which need to be adapted
- Develop the activities, support, new ideas, service offers for business in the area of smart specialisation
- Determine and analyse a role model for BSO which understands the real needs of the SME's related to S3
- Provide direct and indirect feedback to policy makers
- Adapt the services according to the requests, problems and needs of the SME's.
As a result of the workshops a thorough analysis of the “DEMAND Side” will be elaborated, and used to design an overlay on the competence map - online system enabling all users to find out what are the services offered and what are the market needs and how they correlate or what are the niches that need to be addressed by both the regional authorities and the branch observatories (existing or planned to be created).
The creation of new tools and services also means to meet the maximum of end-users’ needs and a thorough understanding of their joint requirements. In order to verify acquired knowledge, a regional workshop for local end-users and stakeholders will be organised.