Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference
AESCON (Asia-Europe Sustainable CONnectivity) is the first scientific conference on Asia-Europe sustainable connectivity, bringing together researchers and policy analysts working in the field of international connectivity, globalization and their impacts on sustainable development, with a particular focus on Asia-Europe connections.
Tthe conference aims to provide an academic forum to discuss global challenges on transport infrastructure, energy transition, climate change, digital economy, trade and investment flows, security, people mobility, cultural exchanges, among others.
The conference will be used as an open platform for debate on sustainable connectivity, to spur future research linked to policy needs and to build a network of Asia-Europe researchers working on sustainable connectivity. AESCON will be anchored by contributions from researchers on themes related to Asia-Europe sustainable connectivity and by keynote presentations.
Participants are welcome to submit their contributions via the Call for Abstracts at AESCON welcomes original research on international connectivity and globalisation and its links to sustainable development, with a particular focus on the Asia-Europe context.
Conference topics include (but are not limited to):
- Transport
- Energy
- Digital economy and e-commerce
- Political and institutional cooperation
- Education and research
- Migration
- Tourism
- Interoperability
- Trade
- Financial networks and flows
- Cultural exchanges
- Security
- Information and Communication Technologies
Research should address international connectivity (as opposed to domestic), and particular preference will be given to research targeting Asia-Europe connectivity. Research should also adopt an integrated approach to connectivity, by linking the chosen connectivity topic to sustainability considerations and assessments. Participants are highly encouraged to use data from the ASEM Sustainable Connectivity Portal.
The conference is organised by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre, the Asia-Europe Foundation, the Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia and the Center for China and Globalization.
Important dates
Call for abstracts opens: July 1, 2019
Call for abstracts closes: September 20, 2019
Abstracts acceptance notification: October 31, 2019
Registration opens: November 1, 2019
Registration closes: December 31, 2019
Deadline for extended abstract: December 31, 2019
Conference: February 26 – 28, 2020
More information at: