Modernisation of the Food Industry through Industry 4.0 and Digitisation

Modernisation of the Food Industry through Industry 4.0 and Digitisation with particular focus on developing transdisciplinary competences, skills and demonstration projects workshop in Budapest, Hungary.

The Campden BRI Magyarország Nonprofit Kft. with the support of the European Commission Directorate General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO) and in cooperation with the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (Hungary) and the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology, the Innoskart ICT Cluster and the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) are pleased to invite to:

the Central European and Transregional Cooperation in Smart Specialisation on the Modernisation of the Food Industry through Industry 4.0 and Digitisation with particular focus on developing transdisciplinary competences, skills and demonstration projects workshop on 19-20 September 2019 in Budapest, Hungary

Objectives of the event:

  • Creating a professional forum for regional actors (i.e. enterprises, intermediaries including food industry federations, chambers of industry and agriculture, research centres, higher education, research and innovation agencies, funding agencies and clusters) being active in food processing, in development of Industry 4.0, ICT and advanced manufacturing solutions for a dialogue on international transdisciplinary RDI cooperation for application of Industry 4.0 and digital solutions in food processing;
  • Presentation and discussion of the common challenges faced and opportunities in ensuring skilled work force and application of transdisciplinary competences through training and education approaches and programmes;
  • Presenting approaches to initiate pilot/ demonstration projects which can trigger further applications;
  • Building industry based transdisciplinary (food technology+ industry 4.0 + ICT) communities, networks;
  • Fostering the involvement of the Central European and other European businesses, business associations, clusters into the European networks, initiatives such as S3 platforms, transdisciplinary, cross-regional and transregional collaborations and providing opportunities for participants to recognise thematic priorities, to present their project ideas in view of collaboration;
  • Exchange of experiences on development and implementation of national strategies on application of Industry 4.0 and digitisation of the food industry and other food industry related S3 strategies.

Venue: Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Building I, 1117 Budapest, Magyar tudosok korutja 2.

Foreseen number of participants: 100-120.

The language of the event is English.

Participation in the workshop is free of charge but your registration is required.

There is an opportunity to present idea pitches directly related to the topics of the event, max. 3 minutes.

Agenda of the meeting