PW-Sat2 carried out into space on Falcon 9

The PW-Sat2 satellite built by Warsaw University of Technology students was successfully elevated to space on December 3, 2018 on board the Falcon 9 rocket. 

The start took place from the Vandenberg base in the United States as part of the Spaceflight SSO-A mission: SmallSat Express. There were 63 other devices on board the rocket with the PW-Sat2 satellite. The latest information shows that the satellite is working properly and all subsystems are operational.

The beginning of the PW-Sat2 satellite mission can be considered a huge success. All the team's expectations were met, and the process of establishing communication with the satellite went as planned. Team members are currently preparing for the next stages of the mission, including testing of individual subsystems, and then conducting experiments. After 40 days of the mission, a deorbiting sail will be opened and satellite deorbitation will begin.

The strategic partner of PW-Sat2 construction is Gliwice's Future Processing,  our partner from MedSilesia cluster, and FP Instruments. Both companies provide substantive support to students, and in spring 2016, they funded and created software for the on-board computer, or the "brain" PW-Sat2.

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