Strategy for network of regional branch observatories of intelligent markets in Central Europe
Our aim during the project is creating a network of Regional Observatories cooperating, learning and enabling synergy effect of knowledgeable services offered across EU
In Central Europe, regional innovation strategies and the real needs of end-users for smart specializations and new technologies are often not well aligned and coordinated yet. Thus, our vision is to develop an operational model of innovation cluster between regional branch observatories as well as create a transnational network of smart specializations stakeholders in Central Europe. Our collaboration is aiming at monitoring the latest technology trends and market developments in the fields of innovative technologies and smart sectors. Although our project will not be able to provide completely new infrastructure in the form of equipment, it will bring something valuable and highly required to the participating regions and business entities: potential and linkages for the creation of innovations. That includes knowledge and technology transfer as well as cross-border collaborations, business contacts and services that enterprises, universities, administrations and technology cluster can use for implementing innovation systems and improving their competitiveness.
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