Past news:
1/17/2020 4th Meeting of the Working Group 'H2020 for RIS3'
12/30/2019 Implementing Smart Specialisation: An analysis of practices across Europe
12/30/2019 Smart grids in the new programming period
11/29/2019 Future 4.0 conference in Velenje, Slovenia
11/28/2019 SMART_watch at Smart Business Festival in Prague
11/22/2019 Regional Workshops in Gliwice, Poland
11/20/2019 Additional Steering Committee Meeting and Technical Meeting in Warsaw, Poland
11/20/2019 University of Wismar joins EU’s post-2020 Smart Specialisation Seminar
11/18/2019 Regional workshops in Gliwice, Poland
11/8/2019 Additional Steering Committee Meeting and Technical Meeting
11/5/2019 Digitalisation and New Technologies in Agri-food
11/10/2019 SMART_watch workshops in Lublin
11/10/2019 How to monitor technological and market trends in the region?
10/10/2019 SMART REGIONS Conference 3.0
10/08/2019 Smart Specialistation in the Arctic Regions
2019 Clusters of Change Bootcamp
9/26/2019 V° Project Transnational meeting in Turin
8/8/2019 Digital Innovation Hubs and Smart Specialisation Strategies
7/30/2019 Modernisation of the Food Industry
7/22/2019 What are the technologies that will reshape our world?
7/15/2019 Have your say on future objectives for EU-funded research and innovation
7/9/2019 Asia-Europe Sustainable Connectivity Scientific Conference
7/3/2019 TGZ Student Day on June 13th 2019 in Schwerin
7/3/2019 Supporting the effective uptake of Cohesion Policy funds in energy
6/24/2019 Smart Specialisation in the world
6/18/2019 The 2019 PREDICT Key Facts Report
6/3/2019 European cluster conference with 450 participants 'connecting ecosystems'
5/8/2019 Future Living in Slovenia
5/6/2019 Corporate Meeting Smart Building & Hospitality
4/30/2019 Press Conference in Debrecen
4/29/2019 Open Day of the European institutions in Brussels
4/23/2019 Lubelskie Region - a healthy land of food and forests
4/18/2019 Production digitization - Challenges of EU regions in Vanguard ESM
3/19/2019 The European Commission is launching the PCI Energy Days
4/2/2019 For patients health and welfare!
3/24/2019 Networking and study visits in Kapfenberg, Austria
2/27/2019 Horizon 2020 Info Day on the 4th call of Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE
3/11/2019 SMART_watch project in Ljubljana
3/24/2019 Networking event at Kapfenberg
3/19/2019 SMART_watch on 9th Slovak Winter Seminar of Regional Science
2/19/2019 Europe, let’s cooperate!
2/11/2019 Workshop on life science in Lubelskie Voivodship
2/8/2019 Educational technology innovations at BETT Show
2/5/2019 Integrating genomics into personalised healthcare: a science-for-policy perspective
1/23/2019 Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE is launching new call on 4 March
1/21/2019 Cooperation for Smart Specialisation – 1st Western Balkans workshop
1/14/2019 Over €300 million available to energy projects
1/9/2019 Smart Specialisation: monitoring and evaluation State of the play and next steps
1/2/2019 The EU has agreed to ban throw-away plastics
12/28/2018 The third edition of the Silesian Science Festival
12/27/2018 The future of European AI is being written now
12/19/2018 Inspire and get inspired!
12/17/2018 Successful R&I in Europe 2019, 10th European Networking Event
12/13/2018 XVI Conference on Medical Robots in Zabrze, Poland
12/13/2018 The Higher Education in Smart Specialization project
12/11/2018 S3 Partnership on Sustainable Buildings
12/5/2018 PW-Sat2 carried out into space on Falcon 9
12/3/2018 A round-table and workshops in Kecskemet
11/30/2018 European Innovation Week in Lublin
11/30/2018 S3 Thematic Platforms Conference and Meetings in Bilbao
11/26/2018 Project transnational meeting in Maribor, Slovenia
11/26/2018 Seminar on European Territorial Cooperation in the Silesian region
11/26/2018 Workshops at Instytut Techniki i Aparatury Medycznej ITAM in Zabrze, Poland
9/25/2018 SMART_watch - debate during Silesian Innovation Council 2018
9/25/2018 A.T2.1 Pilot action – groups meeting and competences map testing
9/25/2018 Silicon Austria Labs - new high tech research centers for microelectronics
9/25/2018 Get informed about University of West Bohemia
9/24/2018 How to use virtual reality to train emergency services?
9/21/2018 Smart solutions in real life
9/20/2018 Competence map is almost finished
9/21/2018 Pilot action finished 05.2018
9/20/2018 Silicon Labs Austria 1
7/7/2018 Archive news and events of SMART_watch project
9/5/2018 Storytelling and enterpreneurship of tomorrow open new goals in cooperation and research topics at Lubelskie Voivodeship, Poland
9/5/2018 External audits to examine the nature of the function in the environment of smart regional specializations at Lublin Institutions of Business Environment