Specific objective 2.2
To improve territorially based low-carbon energy planning strategies and policies supporting climate change mitigation

Transnational cooperation will help building new knowledge as well as exchanging existing knowledge and experiences between and within regions concerning the planning, financing and implementing of concrete actions to deliver sustainable energy measures. It aims to improve the capacity of the public sector and related entities, as a key starting point for mobilising investment for low-carbon measures at territorial level. Transnational cooperation will thereby contribute to triggering activities especially in regions with a lower usage of their renewable energy potentials. Furthermore, it will support the linking of approaches between the demand and supply sides, taking into account the quality and capacity of energy distribution grids. This will be achieved through strengthening the knowledge and planning capacity of the public sector and related entities that facilitate the transition towards ‘Sustainable Energy Regions’. The programme will support them in the development and implementation of innovative local and regional energy planning strategies leading to an enhanced use of endogenous renewable energy potentials in a balanced way and to a reduction of CO2 emissions. This will in many cases also imply positive effects on air quality.
Additional information about this funding objective is available in the Interreg CENTRAL EUROPE Cooperation Programme.